So many interesting responses to yesterday's post about curiosity re: venipuncture! I never thought about how paramedics would have to be super good at starting IVs in a moving vehicle. Thanks for all the insight! Also, my mom confirmed on FB that I never made a fuss about having blood drawn and would always watch. That was reassuring; you know
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I'm posting the answers to the quiz I posted earlier. If you'd still like to take the quiz, go there now and take it and DON'T LOOK at the answers, damn you!
Because I've seen three different flisters wonder about it already.
According to the TWoP forums (aka the Font of All Wisdom), the version of "Beautiful" that played over the ending of tonight's superlative episode of "House" was performed by our old friend Elvis Costello.
Thank you. We now return to your regularly scheduled LJ.
I would like to find an LJ community on which people share what new bands they've discovered, what they're listening to, what they're currently obsessed with
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